two horse and a girlSpending the winter working in Ocala has transformed how I manage and care for horses. Unlike cold winter weather care, Florida horse care involves constant and precise grooming. Sand is my worst enemy-closely followed by magic cushion and saran wrap… Sand gets in turn-out boots, towels, and worst of all the horses skin. Imagine that itchy feeling you have after a fun day at the shore. Now imagine that, but without the fun.  While some folks give daily baths to rid their horses of sand, I have found that vigorous currying followed by a vacuum, a long bristled brush to flick any remaining sand off of the horses and a soft finishing brush with a towel wipe down to do the trick. This process not only keeps the irritating grit away, but also creates a glowing coat, and with overtime, dapples. And who doesn’t like a shiny horse with dapples?

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