girl on a ponyHorse showing on a soft spring day is one thing but at  the end of winter when it’s still more winter than spring is  an entirely different event.  The sunshine riders are nowhere to be seen nor is being fashionably stylish.  It  comes down to a form follows function mentality or  pretty is as pretty does.

Our  onsite shop was recently set-up at such a late winter show. The clipped horses come to the coliseum show ring in wool coolers, and quarter sheets. Riders all have insulated jackets over  their show coats. It’s easy to tell who has been riding  indoors, their leg is tight and their horses are fit.  The  experienced have cleaned up their best cold weather  gear.  Sleek and slick is out, layers are in.  Quilted coveralls from the farm store top the fashion show and  hat choices allow for  personal statements in the  ringside huddle.  Pom poms and “ears” are the winter  version of flowers and bows on summer sun hats. The conversations compare which gloves really work, share  stories of enduring barn work through the frigid  mornings, of blanket woes and frozen buckets.  I’m  reminded of how good it is to know that other horse  folk are going through the same things and counting  down the bales of hay remaining in the barn like some  kind of reverse calendar. At the end of the weekend threatening weather reports hurry trailers homeward to be safe and off the roads as quickly as possible.  Us  too. Next time will not just be another horse show, it will be spring.

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